Friday, January 06, 2006
For Christmas my wife bought me a portable mp3. It is a cheapo $50 macvision from WalMart online. One of the big reasons why I wanted this device was for audio books, podcasts, and ill communication by the beastie boys. Podcasts are great and feels a lot like Tivo for audio. I'm using Doppler and just copy and pasting the MP3s over on daily or so basis. I used doppler before awhile back it was very handy, I was exploring a way I could convert text rss feeds into speech mp3 to help keep up with the info flow at work ... almost got there but I gave it up ... its doable but I had other fish to fry. Right now, I'm just focusing on finding good podcasts that I know I want to listen to on a regular basis. So for my next step with this blog I want to update the left side of this template to include my top ten podcast links.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Hello World.
1st post. The purpose of this blog is to serve as a journal about the real me. I believe my worst enemy is myself and this journal is means to look into and reveal layers of facade and the masquerade of my life. Now ... I think of a good name for my blog ... fuck. Neurotic Impostor.
Why I think "know thyself" is important click here:

Why I think "know thyself" is important click here: