
Naperville Sprint
I wasn't last and have plenty of room for improvement next year. I highly recommend this interval training program.
Been trying to apply interval training to other part of my life like getting distracted at work.

Hi Marty - congrats on completing the race!!! Huge accomplishment.
Marty: Yur sister forwarded me this site and told me I could contact you here. We graduated from Naperville Central together in 1988 and I along with four other classmates (Rodney and Rodrick Glass, Lisa (Dulli) Deese and Stacy (Ray) Shaffer are planning our 20 year reunion. It is fast appraoaching and your sister saw that we had you on our missing list. Please go to our reunion website and register and look over the information and if you are avialable we would love to see you at any or all the planned reunion activites the weekend of Setember 26-27. BTW congrats on the completieng triathlon - that is impressive. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at
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Hey Marty,
I see in your most recent post that you were still dealing with distractions at work...funny given that the post I just found you for was one-more-thing-itis.
So, where have you been since 2008? Whether it's more races or on the couch, you should come back to your ol' blog.
Steph in Berkeley
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